Founded in 2024
Kiara’s Reads is a blog about everything and anything involving books. This blog will contain recommendations and reviews for books of any genre.
I’m Kiara and the founder of this blog. My journey started in 2021 when I started reading on Wattpad. My official journey started in December of 2021 right after Christmas when I picked up ‘Kingdom of the Wicked’ by Kerri Maniscalco. From then my reading journey has only blossomed to grow up to more than 200 books.
My goal for this blog is to continue my love for books and the reading community. I want to show everyone the joy of reading and the benefits that come from it. Now not everyone is a reader but my blog will also incorporate my upcoming business and also recommending shops from Instagram that sell all things books.
To be up to date with new posts and announcements, please subscribe to my blog.